Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Bus gets an Update!

I'm excited, I just got a call from the company I have been working with and they'll be putting new video screens in the bus tomorrow, just in time for the big NDSU trip! We're excited!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I've heard a lot about blogging... and it seems like an intersting thing... a way to vent, and keep everyone up to day, everyone that's interested that is.

So here it is my first posting... I hope to post weekly at least, maybe even more regularly.

The week looks like a "book-end week" 2 things on either end of the week with regular stuff going on in the middle. It started off with the Broncos winning... which always perks up my attitude for the week (it shouldn't, but it does)... The Chargers lost too, so that didn't hurt anything. As some of you know I'm night owl, and Sunday night was no exception, I only got a couple hours of sleep and consequently I was drained on Monday.

Monday night our college ministry did a service project at the Harvest Table, they did an unbelievable job. It was kind of tough for me, but I'm trying to be more intentional about being more "hands off" and letting them run stuff. It's just my nature, but I worked at it, and they did an amazing job, leaders stepping up to the plate to make sure the night went over well, and everyone chipping in, serving and getting the job done! And I learned I didn't have to be the elbows deep all the time.

The weekend will end with something that has been a dream of mine. Monday I got a call from Coach Stig, the SDSU football coach and asked if I would be interested in traveling witht the team to NDSU and being the chapel speaker before the game. WOW! To say I'm excited to get back on a football bus is putting it mildly. I'm sure the trip will result in a blog posting.

The remainder of the week, I'm going to try to balance between my work/ministry responsibilites and family time.

Well, hopefully that's a good fist post.

Life's a Journey!